Unicom gift card solution – ten plus one benefits for the customer

Unicom's multi-channel gift card solution is based on the company's most important value: the customer. The gift card solution must be such that the customer clearly benefits from its implementation. In addition, use of it must be smooth.

Let us introduce you ten most important benefits packed in a compact summary.


1.     A gift card activated with Unicom's solution works both in an online store and in a brick-and-mortar store. Often, the solutions of cash system suppliers only work in one of them. Unicom's system works in both and the cards can be integrated into the same management system. Smooth!

2.     The solution enables both virtual and physical gift cards. The virtual gift card is delivered to the customer by email (pdf), mobile phone code (txt) or mobile application (qr code or barcode). The usability of the gift card is therefore at an excellent level.

3.     Customizable solution: Unicom's gift card solution can be integrated into the customer's POS (Point-Of-Sales) system, online store, mobile applications and BI tools. For example, POS integration means that the seller at the cash register can activate the gift card directly from the point of sales system. Unicom's solution is independent and independent of e-commerce platforms and cash system suppliers.

4.     Fast deployment process. The implementation process is fast, because Unicom has ready-made interfaces to which the customer connects with his or her own systems.

5.     Ease of use. The management system is easy to use and if the integrations with the cash register system and the online store have been made, it can only be used by the main user.

6.     A multi-currency system operating on different continents. If the customer has stores or online stores in different countries and currencies, gift cards can always be activated according to the country and currency. Unicom's solution can thus be called a multi-point and multi-currency system. 

7.     Cost-effective solution. In Unicom's gift card solution, transaction costs per gift card remain reasonable. Implementation does not require large investments since the service works on a SaaS model. The SaaS service fee is affected by the number of gift card accounts to be maintained and the number of cards to be activated. 

8.     Reporting. The system has extensive reporting options for financial data and accounting. The gift card solution automatically takes care of the calculation of accounts and includes interfaces to financial management systems.

9.     Advanced analytics. The gift card system provides real-time data on the spending behavior of gift card customers, which can be analyzed both in Unicom's Dashboard and in the customer's own BI tools. The utilization of data is of interest to our current customers, and we have developed it together with them.

10.  It is easy for the gift card recipient to use a virtual or physical gift card. He can check the balance of the gift card in the search function added to the customer's own website.

Last but not least a bonus benefit: Unicom’s gift card solution enables new customers and new commitments. With the help of gift cards it is possible for your company to expand its customer base, get more profitable sales and more committed customers. Based on our own data, more than half of the gift cards are used during the first months.

Did You get answers to your thoughts? In case You still have questions, we will be happy to help and tell You how Unicom solutions would suit for your company. Feel free to contact us, it may have surprisingly good consequences!


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